Manistee Fishing Charters | Steelhead Hunter Salmon, Trout and Steelhead Guide Service | Lake Michigan and Manistee River Manistee River Fishing | Steelhead Hunter Guide Service

Manistee River Fishing

Manistee River Fishing for Steelhead

From September through May, we offer  year round guided Manistee River fishing on the upper and lower Manistee river.

The Manistee River is one of the finest steelhead, salmon, and trout rivers in Michigan and the Great Lakes area.

Salmon start to run our rivers around labor day weekend, we will start chasing salmon then up the big Manistee river. Once the salmon start to spawn(october 1st) we will start drift fishing or fly fishing for steelhead.

We will switch from bottom to float fishing sometime in November depending on the water temperature  and will run floats until spring. We use bait casters or center pins while we are float fishing.

We will put plugs out when the time is right, when the water is on the rise and has some color to it.

On the upper and lower stretches of the Big Manistee river we fish our 20 ‘ Woodridge boat, which is fully enclosed and heated.


Manistee River Steelhead

Manistee River Fall Steelhead

Male steelhead winter time colors

Male steelhead winter time colors


Winter Steelhead Fishing

Gina with a Winter Steelhead


Inland Waters

We also fish walleye, bass, northern pike and perch.

We can cast, troll, jig, slip bobber and drift and catch lots of different fish in the spring and summer months. Walleye and smallmouth bass on local lakes and streams brings on lots of action and excitement to anyone.  More information…

Small Mouth Bass Fishing

Small mouth Bass

Perch Fishing Charters

Perch Trips also available

Inland Lake Fishing Guides




Manistee River Steelhead Hunter Guide Service and Trout Scout - Lake Michigan / Captain Lance Keene or
Docked at 520 Water Street, Manistee, Michigan 49660 877-731- 4460 or 810-444-8114